How to Learn Basic Cloud Computing: 5 Steps to Get Started

You’re probably thinking that learning cloud computing is going to be a real drag. All those technical terms and complicated concepts – blech! But before you close that browser tab in defeat, hear me out. Turns out, wrapping your head around the cloud doesn’t have to be a stormy endeavor.

With just a few simple steps, you can be well on your way to becoming a bonafide cloud computing expert. So plug in that laptop, brew a fresh cup of joe, and let’s get this cloud-computing party started! In this article, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to start your journey from cloud computing newbie to pro.

From covering the basics of what exactly “the cloud” is, to breaking down key concepts, to pointing you towards great (and cheap!) online courses, I’ve got you covered. Just 100 little words to transform you from a computing amateur to a certified master of all things cloud-related. Well, maybe not master just yet – but you’ve got to start somewhere on the road to cloud computing greatness!

Step 1: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

So you want to join the exciting world of cloud computing, do you? First, throw out any preconceptions of what it actually is. This ain’t your grandpa’s IT.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

The cloud provides virtual infrastructure, from servers to storage, over the internet. Leave behind the days of buying expensive hardware and maintaining data centers. With IaaS, you can provision virtual resources with the click of a mouse. Scale up, scale down, and pay only for what you use.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS gives you a framework to develop and deploy apps without having to build and maintain the infrastructure underneath. Write code, push a button, and voila! Your app is live. No more spending days installing software and configuring servers. With PaaS, you can focus on the fun part: building apps.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Why buy and install expensive software when you can access apps over the internet? SaaS provides on-demand software to users on a pay-as-you-go basis. No more forking over big bucks upfront for programs you may not even use. Automatic updates mean you always have the latest features without lifting a finger.

To join the cloud computing field, you need to understand these three pillars: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Dive into how virtualization, APIs, automation, and scalability power the cloud. Learn skills like Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes. Study up on AWS, Azure, and GCP. The cloud awaits, my friend. Now get to work!

Step 2: Learn About the Different Types of Cloud Services

Alright, so you’ve decided to dive into the glamorous world of cloud computing. Fabulous! But before you start signing up for fancy certifications or updating your LinkedIn profile, you should probably figure out what exactly “the cloud” encompasses.

There are three main types of cloud services: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). IaaS provides access to networking components, computers, and data storage space. It’s a bit like renting a virtual data center. PaaS gives you an environment to develop and deploy apps without having to build the infrastructure.

It’s ideal if you want to code an app without worrying about setting up servers and storage. SaaS is software that’s hosted in the cloud and accessed via a web browser. You’re probably already using SaaS apps like Gmail, Slack, or Netflix. SaaS takes care of hardware and software maintenance so you can focus on just using the application.

While the lines between these services are blurring as the cloud evolves, understanding the differences will help as you explore the various cloud roles. A solutions architect will need to know IaaS inside and out, while a SaaS engineer can focus primarily on a specific software application.

The cloud landscape is vast and exciting. But like any new frontier, it can also be confusing and disorienting. Familiarize yourself with the terrain before you set out on your journey to job opportunities and career success in cloud computing. The more you know, the more confident and capable you’ll feel navigating this new world. Onward and upward!

Step 3: Get Familiar With Common Cloud Computing Applications

Cloud Computing Applications

So you want to learn the cloud, do ya? Well, buckle up, because things are about to get interesting. The cloud universe is vast, constantly expanding, and frankly a bit overwhelming. But have no fear, we’re going to focus on a few of the major players to get you started.

Storage and Databases

If you want to store stuff in the cloud, your go-tos are AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service), Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage. These are like big virtual attics where you can stash all your digital junk. For databases, look to AWS DynamoDB, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Cosmos DB. They’ll handle all your data needs from documents to key-value pairs to full-on relational databases.


When you want to spin up virtual servers, turn to EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) on AWS, Google Compute Engine, and Azure Virtual Machines. They offer various sizes of Linux and Windows VMs that you can rent on demand. If you just need to run some code, check out AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions. These “serverless” options execute your code without requiring you to manage any infrastructure.

Other Services

The big clouds also offer a bazillion other services like machine learning, analytics, networking, mobile backends, and IoT platforms. But let’s not get carried away – you’ve got plenty to learn already! The key is just to dive in and get your hands dirty. Spin up a small VM, build a simple web app, set up a database.

Make mistakes, learn from them, and find your sea legs in this new world of distributed, on-demand computing power. The cloud is a big, exciting frontier, but don’t be intimidated. With a little time and patience, you’ll get the hang of it. And once you do, a whole new set of career opportunities will open up. Now go have an adventure! The cloud is waiting.

Step 4: Explore Popular Cloud Platforms Like AWS and Azure

So you’ve decided to dive into the wonderful world of cloud computing. Congrats, you’re in for a treat! The next step is choosing which of the big cloud providers you want to cozy up to. The two giants in the space are Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Either of these would be thrilled to welcome you into their cloudy embrace.

AWS is the big kid on the block, with the largest range of services and global infrastructure. They’re also a bit pricier, but when you’re the most popular, you can get away with that. Azure is a solid second choice, ideal if you’re already a Microsoft shop. They’re a bit more budget-friendly but have a slightly smaller set of offerings.

The good news is, that the core services on AWS and Azure are pretty similar. You’ll learn skills that translate between platforms, so don’t stress too much about picking the “right” one. My advice? Sign up for free trials on both and see which interface you jive with. Maybe you’ll fall in love with AWS’s frugal use of words or swoon over Azure’s luxurious blue color scheme.

Once you’ve selected your cloud crush, start with their basic building blocks:

  • Compute services: Spin up virtual machines and containers to run your apps and workloads. AWS has EC2, Azure has Virtual Machines.
  • Storage: Store all your stuff! AWS has S3, EBS, and EFS. Azure has Blob Storage, Disks, and Files.
  • Networking: Connect your cloud resources together. AWS has VPC, Azure has a Virtual Network.
  • Databases: Store all your data. AWS has RDS, DynamoDB. Azure has SQL Database, and Cosmos DB.
  • And more! Identity, security, analytics, IoT…the list goes on. Dive in and have fun exploring all the services.

Before you know it, you’ll be designing robust cloud architectures and deploying resources with the click of a button. Welcome to the cloud—you’re going to love it here!

Step 5: Consider Getting Cloud Computing Certifications

Cloud Computing Certifications

So you’ve gone through the basics, set up some cloud accounts, and built a thing or two. Not too shabby! But if you want to prove to employers that you’re not just another cloud computing dilettante, it’s time to get certified.

Professional certifications

There are a few big players in the cloud certification space. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud all offer their own cert programs to validate your skills. Start with the fundamentals (AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Associate, Google Associate Cloud Engineer) to show you know which end of the server is up.

Then you can move on to role-based certs, like AWS Solutions Architect, Azure Administrator or DevOps Engineer. These carry a bit more street cred and look great on a resume. Be warned though, the exams aren’t easy. You’ll need to study hard and get plenty of hands-on practice. But the effort will be worth it when job offers start rolling in.

Third-party certs

Some vendor-neutral certifications in cloud computing are also available, like the Cloud Certified Professional (CCP) from the Cloud Credential Council and the Professional Cloud Architect certification from the Open Group. These demonstrate your skills aren’t tied to any single platform.

While not always required, certifications are a proven way to validate your knowledge and skills to employers. They show you have real proficiency in cloud computing concepts and the ambition to stay up-to-date with technology trends. For beginners, they provide guidance on what topics are most important to focus your learning on.

So put in the work, pass those exams, and get certified! Your cloud computing career will be off to a running start. Or should we say, a scaling start? (Apologies, cloud puns are hard to resist.) In any case, cert up and good luck! The cloud awaits.


So there you have it, my tech-savvy friend. With these five simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a certified cloud computing whiz kid. Just remember to start small, be patient, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

We all have to start somewhere, right? Before you know it, you’ll be the one giving advice to other eager newbies looking to make their mark in the exciting world of cloud computing. The future is wide open – now go grab it!

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