Tech Guide

OnePlus Watch 2: Big Battery Life and Big Compromises 2024

OnePlus Watch 2

In this article, I will talk about the OnePlus Watch 2 and it’s an excellent upgrade over the Watch 1 that launched in the year 2019. I’ve been testing this watch for the past few days, and there’s much to discuss. Some really good things and some not so much but overall, I am really impressed with this watch. So …

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Don’t Buy Gas Cars in 2025: Electric Cars Are Best for You

Electric Cars

As a car buyer in 2025, the choice between gas and electric vehicles may seem daunting. With rapidly evolving EV technology and an ever-expanding selection of models, however, you now have more electric options than ever before. From long-range Teslas to practical EVs like the Nissan Leaf, electrics provide instant torque, smooth operation, and freedom from oil changes. Yet while …

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NVIDIA Case Study 2025 : Most Valuable Company in the World

NVIDIA Case Study

Do you know the name of the most valuable company in the world? This company is more valuable than Apple and Microsoft. And it is growing the fastest in the world of tech. And here I am talking about NVIDIA. Recently, the valuation of NVIDIA company has become 3.33 trillion dollars. And this was a very surprising thing for NVIDIA. …

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How to Pick The Best Graphics Card for Machine Learning 2024

How to Pick The Best Graphics Card for Machine Learning

Oh, look who’s back with their credit card in hand, ready to drop some serious dough on the latest GPU for their deep learning experiments. I get it – you want the biggest, worst graphics card to flex on your AI peers. But hold up turbo. Sure, slapping in an RTX 4090 will make your neural networks purr, but that …

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The AI Revolution: Upskilling for the Automated Future 2024

The AI Revolution Upskilling for the Automated Future

Oh, you sweet summer child. You think you’re irreplaceable, don’t you? That’s adorable. Bless your heart for clinging to the naive belief that your job is AI-proof. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the bots are coming for your livelihood faster than you can say “Would you like fries with that?” Don’t get scared though, buttercup. There are ways to …

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NPUs: Super-Brains That Make Your Laptop and Phone Smartest

NPU Super Brains

Listen up, because those newfangled NPU thingamabobs Intel and AMD have crammed into their latest chips aren’t just there to impress investors and make marketing folks’ lives easier. I know, I know – you just want a laptop that works, not some high-falutin’ AI mumbo-jumbo. But stick with me, because these neural processing units are more than Silicon Valley snake …

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Choose a Laptop for Programming : A Comprehensive Guide 2024

Laptop for Programming

Well, well, well, look who decided to finally get a new laptop. Was that dusty old clunker you’ve been lugging around for years not quite cutting it anymore? Let me guess, every time you tried running a modern program on that relic, it wheezed like your grandpa climbing a flight of stairs. Been there, and coded that. But don’t worry, …

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7 Important Things to Know Before Buying a Drone in 2024

7 Important Things to Know Before Buying a Drone in 2024

You’re standing in the drone aisle, credit card in hand, dreaming of epic aerial footage and Instagram-worthy shots of your morning run. But before you smash that “buy now” button, back away from the drones and breathe. These high-flying gadgets come with risks that’ll send your purchase crashing down in flames – sometimes literally – if you’re unprepared. Follow these …

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AMD vs. Intel: Which CPUs Are Better for Gaming PC in 2024

AMD vs Intel

You there, with the half-empty bank account and twitchy trigger finger. Don’t even think about clicking “add to cart” on that shiny new Ryzen 9000 CPU or Intel 13th-gen processor just yet – not before arming yourself with the forbidden knowledge within. I have returned from the future year of 2024 with tales of silicon champions and benchmark battles. Of …

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AI in Education: How AI is Revolutionizing Learning in 2024

How AI is Revolutionizing Education

Ah, so you’re an educator, are you? You’ve had it easy so far, haven’t you? Reading papers, giving tests, summer vacation—the life of Riley. But everything’s about to change, bucko. That cold metallic hand closing around the nape of your neck? That’s AI, baby. Deep learning, machine learning, and algorithms are gunning for your job. Sure, you may think you’re …

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