How to Get a Job at Microsoft as a Software Engineer in 2024

You’ve set your sights on a software engineering role at Microsoft. Its cutting-edge technology and impactful projects make it an exciting place to grow your career. Now you need to ace the interview process. This guide offers insider tips tailored to Microsoft’s hiring practices.

While each company has its approach, these strategies will serve you well no matter the tech giant. We’ll demystify the steps to get your dream job, from resume to offer letter. With preparation and persistence, you can land a software engineering position at a top tech firm. Let’s explore how to get hired at Microsoft.

Microsoft Software Engineer Job Overview

Microsoft Software Engineer Job Overview

So you want to be a Software Engineer at Microsoft, do ya? Ambitious, aren’t we? Before you dive into LeetCode problems and start preparing for your technical interviews, let’s chat about what the job entails daily.

Coding ‘til You Drop (Or At Least Until 5 PM)


As a Microsoft SWE, you’ll spend most of your time designing, developing, testing, and deploying software solutions. You’ll use languages like C#, C++, Python, and JavaScript to build web, mobile, desktop, cloud, and AI applications.

You’ll get to work with bleeding-edge tech like Azure, GitHub, Xamarin, and HoloLens. But don’t worry, they’ll teach you everything you need to know. You just have to be willing to learn.

Collaboration is Key

While movies may portray programmers as loners pounding away at a keyboard in a dark basement, the reality is much more social. At Microsoft, you’ll work on a team with other engineers, designers, and product managers to determine requirements, design solutions, and build kick-a** products. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are a must. If you prefer to isolate yourself, Microsoft may not be the place for you.

Competitive Pay and Perks (If You Can Pass the Interview)

Microsoft offers competitive pay, amazing benefits, and cool perks like subsidized cafes, gyms, and events. The catch? Their interview process is notoriously difficult. You’ll face a series of phone screens, onsite interviews, coding challenges, and design questions to test your technical and soft skills.

Study hard, prepare thoroughly, and bring your A-game. With the right amount of practice (and luck), you’ll land yourself a high-paying job at one of the most prestigious tech companies in the world.

How’s that for an overview of the magical world of Software Engineering at Microsoft? Still interested in joining the ranks? Sharpen those coding skills, start networking, and get ready for one heck of an interview. The Microsoft dream job awaits!

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Microsoft Software Engineer Salary and Benefits

Microsoft Software Engineer Salary

So you want to score one of those cushy six-figure tech jobs at Microsoft, do you? Well, aren’t you ambitious? The good news is, if you’ve got the skills to pay the bills, you can land a software engineering gig that’ll make your friends and family think you’ve won the lottery.


According to Glassdoor, the average Microsoft software engineer in the U.S. earns around $130,000. Not too shabby! Of course, that number varies based on location, experience, education, and the specific role. If you’ve got a PhD in Computer Science from MIT and 10 years of experience building cutting-edge machine learning models, you can expect an offer on the higher end of the range.

If you’ve got a Bachelor’s in Information Technology and 2 years of experience as a web developer, you’ll likely start on the lower end. But don’t worry, the growth opportunities are huge.


Aside from the cash, Microsoft offers top-notch benefits. We’re talking premium medical, dental, and vision insurance, retirement plans, stock options, paid time off, employee discounts, tuition reimbursement, and more.

They’ll even throw in extras like subsidized childcare, subsidized gym memberships, and free snacks. Sure the work is challenging, but when you’re kicking back in the company break room with your triple shot latte and artisanal donut, those long hours of debugging code will feel worth it.

If a six-figure salary, dream benefits, and job security in a fast-growing field sound appealing, software engineering at Microsoft could be for you. Do you have what it takes to land one of the thousands of jobs open right now? Guess you’ll have to brush up on your technical skills to find out. Now if you’ll excuse me, my artisanal coffee is getting cold.

Skills Needed to Get a Software Engineering Job at Microsoft

Software Engineering Job at Microsoft

Be a Code Warrior

To make it as a SWE at Microsoft, you’ll need to prove your chops as a coder. Expect to go through rounds of technical interviews where you’ll be asked to solve coding problems on a whiteboard or online IDE. The interviewers want to see that you have a solid grasp of data structures, algorithms, and software engineering fundamentals. Brush up on your skills and practice solving lots of coding problems. You’ll thank us later.

Show Off Your Soft Skills

Show Off Your Soft Skills

While technical skills are essential, Microsoft also wants to hire well-rounded candidates with strong soft skills. Things like communication, collaboration, creativity, and adaptability are valued highly. In your interviews, demonstrate how you’ve leveraged soft skills in your previous work or education. For example, talk about how you collaborated with teammates to solve a difficult problem or came up with an innovative solution.

Be Authentic

While preparation and practice are key, don’t lose sight of being your authentic self. Microsoft wants to hire candidates who will thrive in their collaborative, growth-oriented culture. Share details about your experiences, interests, and values that give a sense of who you are. Talk about what really motivates and excites you. Let your personality shine through—your passion and enthusiasm will come across as genuine.

If you go into the process with the right skills, mindset, and attitude, you’ll have a good shot at landing your dream job as a software engineer at Microsoft. But even if things don’t work out this time, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve for the next go-around. With hard work and persistence, you’ll get there.

How to Prepare for the Microsoft Software Engineer Interview Process

So you want to land one of the coveted Software Engineering roles at Microsoft, do you? Well, aren’t you ambitious! Before you get too excited, know that the interview process isn’t for the faint of heart. Microsoft receives thousands of applications for every open role, so they’ve designed a rigorous multi-stage process to weed out all but the most worthy candidates.

Do Your Homework

Do Your Homework

If you thought you could just waltz into the interview without preparation, you’re dead wrong. Microsoft expects you to know its products and technologies inside and out.

Brush up on programming fundamentals, brush the dust off your algorithms and data structures book, and read everything you can about Microsoft’s tech stack. When the interviewer asks you about Cosmos DB or Azure Kubernetes Service, you better have a clever answer ready.

Practice Your Coding Skills

Practice Your Coding Skills

The majority of the interview will focus on your coding abilities, so practice coding! Work through problems on LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codewars to prepare for the coding portions of the interview.

Microsoft loves graph problems, dynamic programming, and recursion, so focus on those areas. Make sure you practice coding on a whiteboard or notepad since that’s how you’ll be coding in the actual interview. Typing on a keyboard is a whole different ballgame.

Expect the Unexpected

Microsoft is famous for throwing candidates curveball questions to see how they think on their feet. Be ready for challenging scenarios, ethical dilemmas, and questions that seem completely irrelevant. There’s no way to truly prepare for the unexpected, but having a methodical thought process will help you work through any off-the-wall questions.

Stay calm and think out loud—your approach to the problem matters more than the answer itself. If you go into the interview process with the right mindset, do your research, and practice those coding chops, you’ll have a real shot at landing that coveted Microsoft offer letter.

But be warned: the competition will be fierce and the road won’t be easy. If you survive the gauntlet though, you’ll earn the right to call yourself a Microsoft Software Engineer. Now get to work! The future is waiting.

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Mastering the Microsoft Software Engineer Job Interview

So you want to be a software engineer at Microsoft, do you? Good luck, my friend. You’ll need it. Microsoft receives over 2 million job applications every year, and even with that enormous pool of candidates, they still struggle to find qualified engineers. But don’t lose hope! With the right preparation, you can ace the interview and land your dream job.

Microsoft Software Engineer Job Interview

The key to success is understanding Microsoft’s culture and values. They want team players—people who can collaborate, accept feedback, and check their ego at the door. In your interviews, be prepared to give examples of times you’ve worked with others to solve difficult problems. And whatever you do, don’t come across as arrogant or unwilling to accept criticism. Humility and a growth mindset are must-haves.

You should also brush up on common algorithms and data structures. Be ready to whiteboard solutions to problems involving arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, and sorting. And study the .NET framework—you’ll need to know it inside and out to work as an engineer at Microsoft.

Once you’ve prepped the technical side, focus on your soft skills. A good software engineer has empathy, communication abilities, and emotional intelligence in spades. Be prepared to discuss how you’ve navigated difficult work relationships or mentored junior teammates. Ask your interviewer thoughtful questions about company culture, work-life balance, growth opportunities, and the like.

If all goes well and the hiring manager decides you’re a great culture fit, you’ll move on to final round interviews. This is your chance to show off your technical chops by solving coding problems on a whiteboard while explaining your thought process. Stay calm, think before you code, and ask clarifying questions—you’ve got this!

With the right preparation and mindset, you can land an exciting new role at one of the biggest tech companies in the world. But even if things don’t work out this time, use the experience as an opportunity to grow. Keep practicing, building your skills, and applying to new roles. Your dream job at Microsoft is out there—you just have to go get it!

Steps for Applying for Microsoft Software Engineering Roles

Microsoft Software Engineering Roles

Get Your Resume in Shape

First things first, you need to make sure your resume is up to snuff. Keep it to one page and focus on experience and skills—not your hobbies or fun facts. Microsoft’s going to care about coding languages you know, big projects you’ve worked on, and your problem-solving abilities. No pressure, but your resume is the key that could unlock your dream job.

Apply…and Wait

Head to Microsoft’s careers site and submit your application for any software engineering roles that match your experience. Then comes the hard part—waiting. It could be weeks or even months before you hear back, so try not to obsessively check your inbox.

Find ways to distract yourself, like tackling some side projects to boost your skills. When you do finally get the call or email to schedule a phone screen, you’ll be thrilled you kept yourself busy.

Prepare to Be Grilled

The initial phone screen with a Microsoft recruiter typically lasts 30-45 minutes. They’ll ask about your experience, skills, availability, and salary requirements. Be ready to provide specific examples of your work and how you solved complex problems.

This call determines if you’ll move on to the multiple rounds of technical interviews. Study up on algorithms, data structures, operating systems, and software design—the interviewers will grill you on these topics.

Onsite Interview: The Gauntlet

If selected to interview onsite at Microsoft, you’ll meet with 4-6 employees over 4-6 hours. Each interview focuses on a different area, like coding, debugging, system design, and behavior.

Some advice: ask clarifying questions, think out loud as you code, provide test cases, stay positive if you get stuck, and ask how you could improve. With the right preparation and mindset, you’ll show your engineering skills and potential for collaboration.

The Offer (Hopefully!)

If Microsoft decides you’re a good fit, you’ll receive an offer within a couple of weeks of your onsite interviews. Compensation typically includes salary, stock, and a signing bonus. Once you accept the offer, you’ll go through a background check and then can put in your notice at your current job. Congrats, you made it! Time to start your new adventure as a Software Engineer at Microsoft.

What to Expect During the Microsoft Software Engineer Hiring Process

So you want to be a Software Engineer at Microsoft, do you? First, prepare to run a gauntlet of technical interviews, coding challenges, and math problems that would stump the engineering team that built the Death Star. Just kidding—mostly. The process isn’t quite that harrowing, but you will have to prove you’ve got the chops to hack it as an MSFT SWE.

Microsoft Software Engineer Hiring Process

After submitting your application, if the hiring team likes what they see, you’ll go through a phone screen with a recruiter. They’ll evaluate if your background and experience match what they’re looking for in an SWE. If you make it past the call, you’ll then interview over the phone with a hiring manager. They’ll assess your technical skills and problem-solving abilities with a few coding questions.

If the hiring manager gives you the thumbs up, you’ll then do an on-site interview loop at a Microsoft office. This will likely consist of 4-6 back-to-back 45-minute technical interviews with different engineers. They’ll evaluate your coding skills, see how you think through complex problems, and determine if you’d be a good culture fit. Be ready for whiteboard coding, logic puzzles, and technical Q&A.

After the on-site, the interviewers will convene to decide if you should move on to the final round—meeting with a Microsoft executive. If selected, you’ll chat with a VP or higher to get a sense of your long-term potential. Then comes decision time. If the committee of interviewers and executives all vote “hire,” you’ll receive an offer to join Microsoft as a SWE, pending a background check.

Some tips: Study data structures, algorithms, and Microsoft technologies inside and out. Be able to code efficiently on a whiteboard. Show how you think through problems logically and communicate your approach. Ask clarifying questions.

And while the interviews will be intense, try to relax and be yourself—your personality and team fit matter too. If you prepare thoroughly, stay cool under pressure, and let your passion for software engineering shine through, you’ll have a great shot at landing your dream job at Microsoft. Good luck!


So there you have it, my friend. The mystical world of big tech interviews laid bare. Sure, it takes hard work and dedication to make it through. But with the right mindset and preparation, even an average Joe Schmoe like you has a fighting chance.

Just remember—while intelligence and credentials help, authenticity and attitude are the real keys to unlocking that coveted offer letter.

So brush up on your algorithms, practice thinking out loud, and show off the best version of your bad self. You got this! Now go out there and get that big tech job like the superstar you are. The free kombucha awaits!

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