Top 5 Realistic Side Hustles for an Extra $500-$1000/Month

Well, look who’s back again, desperately searching for yet another get-rich-quick scheme that promises easy money with minimal effort. We get it, times are tough, and that 9 to 5 grind just isn’t cutting it anymore.

But fret not, weary hustler, we’ve got just the thing to temporarily satiate that burning desire for cold hard cash. You’re in luck because this article will provide you with not one, not two, but five – count ’em, five – surefire side hustles guaranteed to stuff your pockets with an extra $500 to $1,000 big ones every month.

So brew a fresh pot of ambition and strap in, because we’re about to take you on an exhilarating ride through the seedy underworld of side hustling. This ain’t your grandma’s bake sale, folks, so leave your morals at the door, and let’s get this paper.

Side Hustle Idea #1: Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a popular side hustle for good reason. All you need is a computer and a way with words. How hard can it be? You just sit down, pound out some pages, and the money starts rolling in, right?

Wrong. While freelance writing may seem straightforward, to actually make decent money at it, you’ll need to put in serious time and effort. First, you have to find clients. Pitching story ideas, sending out LOIs, and waiting (and waiting) for responses isn’t exactly the thrill ride most aspiring writers imagine.

Landing Work

When you do land an assignment, the real work begins. Conducting research, structuring your piece, finding sources, and actually writing and editing the content takes hours. And clients often have plenty of feedback, requiring rewrites.

Still think freelance writing is an easy side hustle? The key to success is persistence and professionalism. Build your portfolio by starting with lower-paying gigs to gain experience.

Provide high-quality work on time and develop a reputation for reliability. As you get better, you can charge higher rates and be more selective about assignments. Over time, as you establish ongoing relationships with clients, the process does get easier.

While the freelance writing life may not always be glamorous, the potential payoff makes it an attractive side hustle. Experienced freelance writers, especially those with expertise in technical, medical, or finance topics, can make $500 to $1000 per month or more.

Of course, the more you put into it, the more you can earn. If you go into it with realistic expectations about the amount of work involved, freelance writing can be a rewarding way to generate extra income from home in your spare time.

Side Hustle Idea #2: Rent Out Your Extra Space

Rent Out Your Extra Space

So you’ve got an extra room, garage, or storage unit just sitting there empty, eh? Why not turn that unused space into cold hard cash by renting it out? After all, one person’s clutter is another’s treasure.

Make Some Space

First, you’ll need to declutter and clean up the space. Pack up anything you want to keep and either toss, donate, or sell the rest. Once it’s empty, do a deep clean to make it sparkle. Hey, you want top dollar, don’t you?

Price It Right

Check sites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and NextDoor to see what similar spaces are renting in your area. Price on the higher end of the range if your space is in good shape and a desirable location. You can always negotiate, but you can’t go up from a lowball price.

Market Your Space

Post an ad for your space online, emphasizing amenities like 24/7 access, security, and parking. Include professional photos – your iPhone pics won’t cut it here. You want potential renters lining up at your (storage unit) door!

Screen Tenants

Interview interested renters and check references to find someone trustworthy who will care for your space. Have them sign a standard lease agreement to protect yourself legally. Charge a security deposit in case of any damage.

Sit Back and Collect

Once you have a good tenant in place paying on time each month, you can kick back and watch the extra money roll in with virtually no effort on your part. Now isn’t that the ideal side hustle? Your unused space is earning its keep, and you have some spare cash for a nice dinner out. Win-win!

Side Hustle Idea #3: Sell Handmade Crafts Online

Sell Handmade Crafts Online

Let’s be honest, your crafting addiction has gotten a bit out of hand. Between the yarn, felt, stickers, and pipe cleaners, your place looks like a craft store after an earthquake. Why not turn your obsession into cold hard cash? Selling handmade goods online is an easy side hustle for the craft-inclined. Selling handmade crafts is my favorite 😍 side hustle.

Time to get crafty

First things first, you’ll need to actually make something to sell. Think jewelry, baby clothes, phone cases, dream catchers, whatever tickles your creative fancy. The options are endless. Just be sure to create things that people will actually want to buy. (Pro tip: skip the macaroni necklaces.)

Capture your creations

Next, you’ll need some stellar product photos to entice potential customers. Snap pics of your goods from different angles on a simple, clutter-free background. Natural light is best, but if that’s not possible, invest in some cheap lighting equipment.

Your photos should make people say “Ooh, I want that!” If your photography skills are lacking, find a friend with an eye for product shots and bribe them with a cut of the profits.

Set up shop

The two major players in the handmade goods market are Etsy and eBay. Both are easy to use but Etsy caters specifically to handmade sellers. Create an eye-catching shop profile, upload your product photos, and set prices, and you’ll be open for business in no time.

Don’t forget to promote your new shop on social media for extra exposure. Selling handmade goods online may require some patience, as it can take time to build up sales and loyal customers.

But for a few hours a week of crafting and promoting, you can easily make an extra $500 to $1000 per month. And who knows, if things take off you might just turn your side hustle into a full-time creative career. Now that would be truly crafty.

Side Hustle Idea #4: Become an Online Tutor

Become an Online Tutor

So, you’re pretty good at something, right? Math, science, playing the ukulele, conversational Klingon—whatever floats your boat. Turns out, there are hordes of people out there willing to pay you to teach them your super-special skills via the interwebs.


Online tutoring is a perfect side hustle. You set your own hours, pick your own subject matter, and rake in upwards of $20-50/hour. Not too shabby for helping little Timmy figure out long division or teaching Aunt Bertha how to make sushi rice.

The best part is, that you don’t even have to leave your couch. Pajamas are totally acceptable work attire in this profession.

But where do I sign up?

There are a few major websites that handle all the scheduling, payments, and other logistics for you, like Chegg, TakeLessons, and Wyzant. Create a profile highlighting your areas of expertise, set your availability and rates, and wait for the students to start rolling in.

Many of these sites have built-in online classrooms and video chat capabilities, so you can conduct lessons from anywhere. Once you build up a good base of regular students, consider starting your website to avoid the middleman fees. You’ll have to handle more of the admin work, but you’ll pocket more of the profits.

Any downsides?

While convenient, online tutoring does require patience. Helping students grasp new concepts via video can be challenging, and you’ll likely encounter technical difficulties from time to time.

You’ll also need to budget extra time for communicating with students and parents outside of official lesson times. And there is always a chance of getting a problem student. But with the right mindset, most tutors find the rewards far outweigh the hassles.

If you have expertise that others want to learn, online tutoring could be a great side hustle for you. And unlike many other part-time jobs, the earning potential is high and the hours are supremely flexible. So put that knowledge to work—sign up with an online tutoring site today!

Side Hustle Idea #5: Drive for a Rideshare Company

Drive for a Rideshare Company

Do you want to make some easy money on the side without committing to a strict schedule? Look no further than becoming a rideshare driver for companies like Uber or Lyft. These “freelance” driver gigs are perfect for anyone with a reliable set of wheels and a modicum of people skills.

Flexibility is Key

The beauty of ridesharing is you get to set your own hours. Feel like making some cash on a Saturday night or have a few free hours during the week?

Just turn on your rideshare app and start picking up passengers. No boss breathing down your neck or rigid work schedules to adhere to. You’re free to drive whenever you want, for as long or as little as you like. Talk about convenience.

Make Bank on Surge Pricing

Keep an eye out for “surge pricing” times in your area when ride demand is highest. These periods often coincide with weekend nights, holidays, and big events. Surge pricing means higher fares for you, so you can make a killing if you’re savvy.

Even on regular fares, you’ll get a percentage of each ride total, and those dollars add up quickly. Many rideshare drivers report making $10 to $15 an hour on average, and even more during surge times.

Meet Interesting People

If you enjoy chatting with random strangers, ridesharing may be for you. You’ll get to meet all kinds of colorful characters as you ferry them around town. Sure, you may get the occasional weirdo or two, but you can always give them a lower rating to avoid being matched with them again.

Most riders just want to have friendly conversations with their driver, so think of each trip as an opportunity to connect, however briefly, with someone new. Ridesharing requires minimal effort for decent pay and a flexible schedule.

It’s the perfect side hustle for anyone looking to pad their income without a huge time commitment. As long as you have a reliable car and don’t mind playing amateur taxi driver in your spare time, ridesharing could be an easy way for you to make an extra $500 to $1000 per month. Hop to it!


So there you have it, folks. Five realistic side hustles that could net you some sweet extra cash each month. Will you actually go out and start one of these? Who knows! You tell yourself you will, but then Happy Hour rolls around or a new show drops on Netflix, and suddenly that side hustle seems like a lot of work.

But hey, the option’s there if you ever feel like pulling yourself off the couch and making moves. The world is your oyster—you just have to shuck it. So put down the remote, close the laptop, and go get that paper. Unless you’d rather just keep chilling. Hey, no judgment here.

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